31 December 2011

New years resolutions

Hello my loves,

I hope you are well and had a great Christmas

So as you will know if you follow me on twitter and have followed my blog for a long time, I have had a seriously negative year. Everything that could go wrong actually has, but, in all honesty, some good things have come out of this year I've met some lovely people, I made up with a friend who I didn't think I would and I've had a few nice dates. I've done so many positive things, like losing weight although, that was due to stress. I'm back at college and although I'm not ready for a new boyfriend I am ready to date and have some fun. 

In the new year I'm going to be so positive and I'm going to get good things! So long ramble over let's get to the reason in here doing this post!

  • Get a new job. Save money, get myself a working holiday visa to Canada or do the internship in America.
  • Stop saying I'm going to do something and then not do it!
  • Although we all say we are going to lose weight after new years I actually lost three stone this year, I want to carry on and lose the last bit of weight.
  • Stop letting things get to me so much! Good things ARE coming my wa.
  • I am going to meet up with all the new lovely friends I have made on twitter.
  • I need to let things go, I hold onto too much grudges and once someone has pissed me off I stay angry for the longest time.
  • I need to exercise more.
  • I want to try and new and healthy things recipes and teach myself to be a better cook.
  • I want to give my blog more love and try out more products.
  • I don't want a boyfriend but if one comes my way I am not going to turn it down.
  • In September I want to do a barbering course.
  • I've lost a lot of friends through not having time for them because I got married and we moved on, I'd like to mend these friendships
  • I want to move, Ideally I'd love to move somewhere closer to my friend.
  • If I don't get to move I would like a housemate to move in.
  • I want to paint my house because I am sick of the half painted walls that my ex never helped me to paint.
  • I want to sit and read a new book every week.
  • I want to go on more dates, there's lots of beautiful men out there and I want to meet as many of them as I can. Just because I have been burnt in the past doesn't mean that the one is going to hurt me.
  • I am going to be the person I haven't been able to be because of my ex.
  • I want to let go of negativity, if you are always feeling negative then you are giving out negative vibes and there for you're asking for bad things to happen.
  • I am going to sell off the rest of my clothes that don't fit and buy a brand new wardrobe of things that do fit.
  • I want to make my own hairstyles and try a new hairstyle every time I go out.
  • I'm going to grow my hair really long because I am craving fishtail plaits.
Wow, that's actually a ton of things. I've still got ideas going through my head so I will keep adding to these but yeah, those are the things that I want the most from my life.

Happy new year my cupcakes and I will be back in the New Year fresh and feeling positive. Here's to a happy new year :-)

Much love

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